Dr. Bradt's Morning Smoothie

Dr. Susan Bradt’s Nutritional Healthy Smoothie Recipe

My work breakfast 5 days a week is a delicious smoothie.  It easily holds me until lunch and has way more nutrition than other typical breakfasts.

Here is my favorite stand-by recipe. Try it out and get creative with your own additions or substitutions!  ~ Dr. Bradt

1/2- 1 c homemade organic plain yogurt (can be substituted for non-dairy alternatives like coconut/hemp/almond milk)
1/4 c pomegranate juice and 1/4 cup home made kombucha
1/2 banana
2 tbsp flax or chia seeds    
1-2 cups fresh spinach or kale, 1/4 cucumber and 1 small carrot
1/4 avocado
1/4 c frozen blueberries
1/4 c frozen strawberries or mango
1/4 c raw nuts or nut butter (cashews or almonds)
splash of ginger juice or fresh lemon juice